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AJIO Business

Retailer Self



Need for Self On-boarding

"Dependency on sales officer assisted on-boarding needed to be done away with post Playstore launch. "

Support scaling up : With the launch of AJIO Business App on Playstore, the number of retailers on-boarded has increased. This has put tremendous pressure on the existing SO network. 

COVID 19 : Keeping the pandemic in mind, it is imperative that we minimise physical contact as much as possible between the SO and the retailer.

Reduce complexity : Current process required the SO to upload a very long list of documents, varying according to the retailer type. The process itself is lengthy and complex leading to errors.

Rejection and increased TAT : 70% of on boarding throughD-KYC App results in rejection due to incorrect information entered or information/image not according to prescribed guidelines. More errors mean the SO has to go back and correct the errors increasing the time required to fully onboard a retailer. 


Current On-Boarding Journey

"The current on-boarding journey after launching AJIO Business to Android Playstore is as follows. "

Re-Designed Journey.jpg
Pain points & Actionables

Pain Points

"The current on-boarding journey only considers self on-boarding for GST registered retailers. It also has some inherent problems as observed after Playstore launch."

Current user journey

Seamless accessibility  : Decision to choose between GSTIN and non-GSTIN flows this early in the flow is creating cognitive dissonance in users resulting in users choosing without any concrete logic. Let users access the app fast and get on-boarded at an appropriate time.

Difference between Primary & Secondary Flow :  The value of the both registering with GST number and account creation without any document are currently not communicated to the users properly.

Emphasis on the Secondary Flow : Most retailers currently choose to continue without registering with GST number. This flow should be highlighted keeping in mind the more prevalent user behaviour. 

Details of observations, hypothesis and insights post Playstore launch has been covered in the previous case study.

Sales Officer On-boarding

Scale : Due to increase in number of interested retailers, SOs sometime take 20 days to respond to qualified leads to onboard them manually.

Non GST retailers :  Retailers without GST certificate make up majority of the users. These users need to wait for SO on-boarding before they can start placing orders.

High rejection rate : 70% on-boarding applications submitted by trained SO is rejected due to blurry document images, incomplete document upload, incorrect shop image upload.

Lack of communication : No clear communication from approval team on application status. SOs have to manually call the approval team and ask for the status.

Design Actionables

"Checklist of items to do to overcome the pain-points."

GST retailers : Enable users to understand the benefits of registering with GST number.

Non GST retailers :  Enable not GST retailers to understand the benefits of registering with other business documents.

Seamless entry: Enable retailer to enter the app as easily as possible to let them view the features and catalogue thereby understand the value of AJIO Business.

Turn around time : Enable retailers to start placing orders as soon as possible.

Document upload : Intuitive way to let the retailers upload their business documents.

Reduced document rejection : Introduce prompts and checks to make sure upload documents and entered data are as per guidelines reducing the chances of errors.

Communication : Clear communication to retailers about status of application and steps to take in case of rejection.

Handling rejection : Make the re-upload and re-submission flow 
easy for retailers to reduce TAT .

Re-Designed User Journey

"Enable retailers to access the app without any document. They can choose to self on-board later when they have explored the offerings of AJIO Business."

Re-designed journey.jpg

Task Flow

"Detailed steps retailers need to take to get on-boarded and start placing orders. "

Task flow.jpg
User Journey & Task Flow

Wireframes - First Cut

Login & Account Creation

Wireframes - First cut

Mobile number login


OTP auto populated


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Account Creation

Users enter basic information to create an account

Registering with GST Number


Initiate Onboarding

Entry point to initiate self on-boarding by submitting KYC documents.


Sole Proprietor Self Declaration

Explicitly mention and get declaration from retailers that they are sole proprietors


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Document Selection

Retailers choose the method of on-boarding, GSTIN being instant.

This is the first time that they are asked to choose and they are better equipped to make the correct decision.

Registering with other proof of business


Document Selection

User selects any document apart from GST Certificate


Business Details

Users enter their business details


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Mode of upload

Users can either scan the actual document or upload from phone

KYC Status


Status Bar on Home Page

Upon successful submission of KYC, the status updates to “Processing”

Users can go inside and view the details they have entered.

Business Details

Users enter their business details


KYC on Hold

In case there are errors in information entered, KYC application goes on hold.

Users are expected to correct the errors and re-submit.

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KYC Details

On tapping details, users can view the information they have enters and documents they have uploaded.

Usability Test Plan

Target Group

Users of the same TG should be able to navigate through the flow exhibiting the same behaviour. It is difficult to get in touch with and interview prospective playstore retailers due to various real life constraints


Check if users understand concepts like KYC and Sole Proprietor.

Check if users go through and understand individual pages

Check if users can reaching the final goal on their own (fully onboarded) If not, record the friction points they are encountering

Check if users are able to perform micro tasks to reach their final goal

Usability Testing

Discussion Guide


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Usability Test Hypothesis & Results

"Test plan and research guide was shared with the design researcher, who conducted the interviews and shared the findings ."


Modified Requirements

"The findings of the test were communicated to the stakeholders and further discussion with product and business teams led to refinement of the product requirements."

Incentive structure : It was acknowledged that current process did not convey the value of getting fully on-boarded to the users properly. We decided to introduce an incentive structure to enable users to make more informed decisions. Three incentive buckets were decided by business and marketing teams.


Design Modifications

"These are a set of modifications needed to be made on the designs considering the new requirement and findings from the usability test."

Introduce proof of identity upload : Enable users to upload their proof of identity along with proof of business and GST number.

Communicate benefits : Tell users the benefits of uploading each document type and enable them to make the right decision.

Accept sole proprietor page : Users did not understand the term sole-proprietor, use better copy. Users tapped on sole-proprietor checkbox without reading. Make this more evident

Tips to upload page : Current list of tips is long and users need to scroll to read leading to most users ignoring it. Make tips to upload more contextual.

Preview scan page: Let users crop or retake the image before giving them the option to submit or add more pages. Emphasising on crop and retake reduces the chance of uploading poorly taken images. 

Add page CTA : Add page CTA is critical but is currently competing with crop and retake. "Add page" needs to be emphasised and communicated in a way that users find it intuitive.

KYC Status : Declutter the message and make it evident for users to understand. 

Error Correction : Make error correction and easy and intuitive. Current design is confusing to the user due to multiple actions required.

Final Designs

Final Designs

Registering with GST Number


Initiate Onboarding

Entry point to initiate self on-boarding by submitting KYC documents.


Document Selection

Explicitly mention the benefits of each method.


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Sole proprietor validation   

Two separate options instead of checkbox.Simplified copy of the CTA that explains sole-propitiator  

Register with proof of business and identity


POI/POB slection

Set users expectation about the steps required to on-board.

Radio buttons indicate that only one document needs to be uploaded.

Enter business details

Users enter the details on their business referring  to the proof of business.


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Tips to Scan

Tips split into two parts to reduce the content on this page. General tips shown at this page, while scanning tips shown during the actual scan.

Messaging more evident using visual cues

KYC Status


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KYC Status

Information clutter and redundant information removed and focus given to the status and the TAT only

KYC status details

On drilling down, users can view the details of the information and documents they have submitted

The way forward

Way forward.jpg

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